About the Author

Brady M.

:~$ whoami

Brady has spent the last 14 years in the security and threat intelligence industry, in some form or fashion. From the Marine Corps, to Law Enforcement, to an Undercover Employee at Facebook, to a Information Security Analyst and Counter Trafficking Volunteer.

I often joke with folks in regards to my work experience and trajectory. It certainly has never been a linear path. I truly thought I would spend a career in law enforcement, after the military, however things clearly didn't work out that way. After volunteering to conduct human trafficking investigations, I realized how many technical holes I had in my game, and dove head first into the technical space, both with my education in Cyber Security and my job roles.

The one consistent thing on my journey: My passion for the security industry as a whole, and people. There is something truly empowering when helping others strengthen their security posture, both technical and physical, especially in the world we live in today.

I created this space to consolidate news, share my thoughts, and document more of my journey moving forward within the threat intelligence and cyber industry.

Welcome to 4rensic.

Thank you for being here!
